Doing good has never been so easy

Doing good has never been so easy

They convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, and they are essential for our survival and for our environment – trees! They are one of the most powerful countermeasures against the climate crisis that need to be protected (and planted). Wood as a raw material has...
Surplex 2020: looking back to the future!

Surplex 2020: looking back to the future!

Success through responsibility 2020 will go down in history as a tragic year. With countless people around the world losing their health or their lives in the ongoing coronavirus crisis, there is no room for rejoicing over positive business figures. Surplex mourns the...
Excellent! Surplex wins HR Excellence Award 2020

Excellent! Surplex wins HR Excellence Award 2020

It’s official since last Friday: Surplex GmbH’s internal training series “Learning at twelve o’clock” (in German “Zwölfuhrschlau”) has been awarded the HR Excellence Award 2020! At this year’s awards the concept could...